
SkagitRefsSkagit Valley Soccer Referee's Association

What's New?
Wednesday March 26th, 2025

To all referees: US Soccer has implemented a new policy (531-9), that begins March 1st, 2025. Please take a few minutes to look over this new policy. It is most beneficial to all of us. Please remember to do your part by reporting referee abuse in a match report, a misconduct and/or supplemental report, and by contacting your assignor! Thank you all.Going

Thursday December 12th, 2024

Our monthly Chapter meetings have changed venue. For 2025 they will be held at Vaux Retreat Center, located next to Bakerview Park, in Mount Vernon. They will be held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month, except for June, July, and December, from 5:45pm to 7:15pm. The dates for the year are 01/21/2025, 02/18/2025, 03/18/2025, 04/15/2025, 05/20/2025, 08/19/2025, and 09/16/2025. October and November will be posted in late July. Our goal is to get as many referees as possible to join us in furthering our understanding of the Laws of the Game and how they apply. Please join us! We will have the monthly topic sent out with a reminder the week before.

Monday October 28th, 2024

Ten Essentials For All RefereesGoing

Friday September 6th, 2024

PAGE HELP FOR NEW REFEREES USING SKAGITREFS.ORG On each page in the upper right hand corner you will find a bubble with a question mark in it. This turns on page help which walks you through how to use There are also videos on youtube under skagit soccer referee association.

Tuesday September 3rd, 2024

SkVYSA Youth Soccer Age Group Rule Variations 2024Going


2024-2025 SVSRA Assignors_Contact InformationGoing

Trouble Registering with WASRC?

If you are having trouble registering for a New Referee Clinic (a.k.a. Entry Level Clinic), we have a detailed tutorial that should help. Click on the link to see.Going

Welcome to the Skagit Valley Soccer Referee's AssociationSkagit Valley Soccer Referee's Association (SkagitRefs) Site on Monday, March 31st, 2025. We hope that you enjoy your visit to our SiteSite and find it informative and useful. You can navigate around our Site by selecting the active text and graphics you'll find throughout the Site. You can also return to this primary page by selecting the SkagitRefs logo located in the upper left portion of every page.


The Table of Contents at the left of this panel provides access to the various segments of our Site. Select the specific area you are interested in to obtain an expanded set of choices for your chosen area of interest.

Note!If you are a current SkagitRefs participant, you can access the secure portions of our Site by clicking on Logon.

Not Familiar With Navigating Our Site?

If you need a guide to help you navigate and learn to use our site, just click on the help in the upper right corner of the page.

Need More Help?

We can be reached by email at the address listed under About Us.

Are You Interested In Becoming A Referee?

Please see the detailed information in the Help page.

  • After reading, you can start the process by registering with us . After you register, your name will go into our "waiting list". When we announce our next local New Referee Clinic, you will be notified by email.
  • If you are already a licensed Referee, you can go straight to the registration page.

Website Problems?

If you are having trouble or need help with the website, send an email to the Webmaster